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Studying youth gangs editado por James F. Short y Lorine A. Hughes - Lanham (Maryland, Estados Unidos) AltaMira Press 2006 - xi, 288 páginas gráficas, mapas - Violence prevention and policy series .

Preface / James F. Short, Jr., and Lorine A. Hughes. -- Why study gangs? An intellectual journey / James F. Short, Jr.. -- Are "gang" studies dangerous? Youth violence, local context, and the problem of reification / Mercer L. Sullivan. -- Studying youth gangs: the importance of context / Lorine A. Hughes. -- The gang facilitation effect and neighborhood risk: do gangs have a stronger influence on delinquency in disadvantaged areas? / Gina Penly Hall, Terence P. Thornberry, and Alan J. Lizotte. -- Neighborhood effects on street gang behavior / Andrew V. Papachristos and David S. Kirk. -- Youth gang social dynamics and social network analysis: applying degree centrality measures to assess the nature of gang boundaries / Mark S. Fleisher. -- Social network analysis and gang research: theory and methods / Andrew V. Papachristos. -- A public health model for studying youth gangs / Bill Sanders and Stephen E. Lankenau. -- The value of comparisons in street gang research / Malcolm W. Klein. -- Hate groups or street gangs? The emergence of racist skinheads / Pete Simi. -- Youth gang research in Australia / Rob White. -- The global impact of gangs / John M. Hagedorn. -- Gang membership and community corrections populations: characteristics and recidivism rates relative to other offenders / David E. Olson and Brendan D. Dooley. -- The comprehensive, community-wide gang program model: success and failure / Irving A. Spergel, Kwai Ming Wa, and Rolando Villarreal Sosa. -- Moving gang research forward / James F. Short, Jr., and Lorine A. Hughes.

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Identidad colectiva--Aspectos sociales
Jóvenes--Condiciones sociales
Pandillas--Aspectos sociales
